PeopleString Quick Start:

What is PeopleString?

PeopleString is a free social site just like Facebook, Multiply, Friendster, and among others. Unlike other social sites, you get paid for being an active member.

What’s my earning potential?

70% of PeopleString’s income is shared among active members. For example, if they earn $1,000,000 from their advertisers, 70% of that is $700000.

You can also earn 5% from your active direct referrals earnings and 2% from their active referrals on levels 2 to 6.

Let's take for example assuming within a year you can only manage to earn $10 per month and was able to refer 10 active members. The same way with your referrals too. The table below shows your possible income potential per month after a year. This is a perfect scenario the actual earnings depends in your networks efforts and commitments.

Levels Members % Earnings
You 1
1 x $10
10 x $10 x 5% $5
100 x $10 x 2%
1000 x $10 x 2%
10000 x $10 x 2%
100000 x $10 x 2%
1000000 x $10 x 2%
Total  1111111

You can also participate on their other income streams to increase your earnings. Basically, your earning potential in PeopleString is unlimited. It greatly depends in your efforts and how much time you are willing to invest on being an active member and building your network.

When do I get my revenue share?

If you are new to PeopleString, it takes about 45 to 60 days before you get your revenue share. After that, it will be on a monthly basis. Only active members who at least accumulate 100 PeoplePoints per month are eligible to receive the revenue share.

How do I get paid?

As an active member, once your earnings reach $25 or more it will automatically go to your Alertpay account on the 1st day of the Month. If you don’t have and Alertpay account yet, click and sign-up here.

What is PeoplePoints?

PeoplePoints has no monetary equivalent. It is use as a point system to determine how active you are on their website. Logically, the more active you are the more points you have and the greater your share from the 70% earnings of PeopleString.

How do I accumulate PeoplePoints?

PeoplePoints system resets every 6 hours. Starting from 12noon (Philippine Time.) Do these tasks every 6 hours to accumulate 200 PeoplePoints per day.



Login = 10 Points
Use Google Custom Search = 10 Points
Check Email
= 10 Points
Click Mail-Box Cash-Box = 10 Points
Click Any Shopping Categories
= 10 Points
 Total (every 6 hours) = 50 Points
Total (Daily 4 times login) 4 X 50 Points = 200 Points

 A total of 50 PeoplePoints get for these tasks every 6 hour/day.

You can also increase your Points by playing the People Lotto (Min. 10 PP to Max 1000 PP), PrizeWheel (Min 20 PP to Max. $1000), and Guess-Which-Hand (Min 0 PP to max. 30 PP) games depands on your luck.

How dollar accumulate 1 PeoplePoints?

Peoplestring will give you 1 PeoplePoints equal $0.003/$0.004 if you active every month that means you should earn minimum 100 PP(PeoplePoints) for this month.



PeopleString is very easy to use and navigate and your earning potential here depends on how much effort and commitment you invest for being active on using their site and building your network.



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